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Kexi Command Line Options

 started by jstaniek

Table of Contents
   Supported options
     Options related to entire projects
     Options related to opening objects
     Options related to database servers
     Experimental options
   Planned Options


 kexi [options] [project-or-filename]
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Supported options

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Options related to entire projects

Note: if none of the below options are used, default is "open database" action.

  • --createdb
Create a new, blank project using specified database driver and database name. You will be asked for confirmation if overwriting is needed.
  • --create-opendb
Like --createdb, but also open newly created database.
  • --dropdb
Drop (remove) a project using specified database driver and database name. You will be asked for confirmation.
  • --drv <name> or --dbdriver <name>
Database driver to be used. Ignored if shortcut filename is provided. 'SQLite' is assumed if this option is ommited.
  • --type <name> or -t <name>
Specify a type of a file provided as argument. This option is useful if your filename has not set a valid extension and it's type cannot be detected unambiguously by looking at it's contents. This option is ignored if no file is specified as an argument. Available file types are:
- "project" for a project file (the default)
- "shortcut" for a shortcut file pointing you to a project.
- "connection" for a database connection data.
  • --conn <shortcut_filename> or --connection <shortcut_filename>
Specify a database connection shortcut .kexic file containing connection data. Can be used with --createdb or --create-opendb for convenience instead of using options like --user, --host or --port. Note: Options like --user, --host have precedence over settings defined in the shortcut file.

Note 1: Shortcuts to database connection are files typically saved by Kexi in /home/YOURNAME/.kde/share/apps/kexi/connections/ directory. You can copy them whenever you want but note they can contain password information if you saved it.

Note 2: Use the '--connection filename' option with database name to immediately open the database without any questions. Example use: "kexi --conn /home/myname/.kde/share/apps/kexi/connections/myserver.kexic mydbname". This way you can create a desktop shortcut for faster opening of recently used database project.
  • --readonly
Specify that any database connections will be performed without write support. This option is ignored when "createdb" option is present, otherwise the database could not be created.
  • --user-mode
Start project in User Mode, regardless of the project settings.
  • --design-mode
Start project in Design Mode, regardless of the project settings.
  • --show-navigator
Show the Project Navigator side pane even if Kexi runs in User Mode.
  • --skip-startup-dialog
Skip displaying startup dialog window. If there is no project name specified to open, empty application window will appear.
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Options related to opening objects

  • --open [<object_type>:]<object_name>
Start Kexi with specified object shown automatically. <object_type> is optional, if omitted - table type is assumed. Other object types can be query, report, form, script (may be more or less, depending on your plugins installed).
  • --design [<object_type>:]<object_name>
Like --open, but the object will be opened in Design Mode, if one is available
  • --edittext [<object_type>:]<object_name>
like --open, but the object will be opened in Text Mode, if one is available
  • --exec [<object_type>:]<object_name>, or --execute [<object_type>:]<object_name>
Start execution of object of type <object_type> and name <object_name> on application start. <object_type> is optional, if omitted - macro type is assumed. Other object types can be script (may be more or less, depending on your plugins installed). Use "" chars to specify names containing spaces.
  • --new <object_type>
Start new object's design of type <object_type>
  • --print [<object_type>:]<object_name>
Open Print dialog window for object of type <object_type> and name <object_name> in specified project on application start for quick printing of the object's data. <object_type> is optional, if omitted - table type is assumed. Object type can be also query.
  • --print-preview [<object_type>:]<object_name>
Open Print Preview window for object of type <object_type> and name <object_name> from specified project on application start. See --print for more details.
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Options related to database servers

  • --user <name> or -u <name>
User name to be used for connecting to a database project. Ignored if a shortcut filename is provided.
  • --host <name> or -h <name>
Server (host) name to be used for connecting to a database project. Ignored if a shortcut filename is provided.
  • --port <number>
Server's port name to be used for connecting to a database project. Ignored if a shortcut filename is provided.
  • --local-socket <filename>
Server's local socket filename to be used for connecting to a database project. Ignored if a shortcut filename is provided.
  • --skip-conn-dialog
Skip displaying connection dialog window and connect directly. Available when opening .kexic or .kexis shortcut files.
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  • project-name
Kexi database project filename, Kexi shortcut filename, or name of a Kexi database project on a server to open.
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Experimental options

(currently none)

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  • Type 'kexi --help' to get a complete options list.
  • Database driver names and object names are case insensitive.
  • User Mode allows data/functions executing/inserting/updating only (i.e. no schema modifications i.e. no design). Design mode (the default) allows all design actions.
  • In typical case, eg. for MySql, you will need a root user and password to create database project - see first example below.
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  • kexi --createdb --dbdriver mysql --user root my_new_project
Creates empty 'my_new_project' project on a local MySQL server (user root is used and will be asked for password).
  • kexi --createdb my_new_project.kexi
Creates empty 'my_new_project.kexi' project file (default SQLite driver)
  • kexi --dbdriver postgresql --dropdb project
drops 'project' from a local PostgreSQL server
  • kexi --open mytable --edittext query:query1 --design form:form1 project.kexi
Opens 'project.kexi' Kexi project file and auto-opens 'mytable' table (in data view), opens 'query1' query in SQL Editor view, and finally, open a form 'form1' for design.
  • kexi --new form project.kexi
Starts a new form's design within 'project.kexi'
  • kexi --user-mode --show-navigator --open form:cars --open form:persons db.kexi
Opens 'db.kexi' database file in the User Mode, shows the project navigator, and automatically opens 'cars' and 'persons' forms.
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Planned Options

  • --compact - compacts the (SQLite) database and exits
  • passing more server connection information
  • renaming projects
  • migration options
  • querying (displaying object lists, etc.)

Kexi - "MS Access for Linux" ... and Windows
© Kexi Team
This content is available under GFDL
Last edited: February 25, 2008 by js, visited 0 times.